
Soutar House Bookcases

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William Soutar

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York Place,
Perth PH2 8EP
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27 Wilson Street,
Perth PH2 0EX
t: +44 (0)1738 643687

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Soutar House Bookcases

With the Soutar House in Wilson Street just refurbished following extensive water damage in December 2010, it was fitting that two of the bookcases handmade by Jack Soutar for Willie�s room were generously returned to their original niche by Ron and Trisha Kitchin on 9th November, 2012.

Ron is the son of the Rev. John Kitchin, a former minister of the North Church in Perth. The Soutars worshipped there, and Jack Soutar became a close friend of the reverend. The bookcases passed to the Kitchin family after settlement of the Soutar estate in the 1950s, and were used in the North Church manse on the Glasgow Road.

Ron learned of the Friends of William Soutar through visiting this website which stirred memories of boyhood visits to the Soutar House. �Returning the bookcases to their first home just seemed the right thing to do,� said Ron, before returning to restaurant business in Edinburgh � where talented son Tom does the cooking.


Iain Mackintosh (left), Chairman of the Friends of William Soutar Society, receives the bookcases from Ron Kitchin, Managing Director of The Kitchin and Castle Terrace Restaurants in Edinburgh.

Membership of FoWSS is free, and you have the opportunity to organise or participate in projects designed to promote Soutar and his works. In addition, members receive an annual newsletter, notification of all FoWSS events and publications, and are invited to an annual Soutar Tea held at the Soutar House. Please use the Contact page if you would like to find out more about FoWSS.